Monday, May 27, 2013


Okay, so it's been like, years since I have posted anything here. There are a lot of reasons for that. In between my local work, my dissertation, a debate I had with a Roman Catholic, and two sons in college, I have A LIFE! Seriously, though, there are a lot of things I wanted to comment on. Now that I am back, guess what? To alter a quote from the late Richard Nixon, "you'll have Hester to kick around some more." To say that events have moved along at a rapid pace in this country would be an understatement. To date, 12 states have approved same-sex marriage. The President has given his full support of this; that is not surprising. What is surprising are a couple of developments. First, there are leaders in the Republican party who are more than willing to drop opposition to same-sex marriage, and have gone public with their thoughts on the issue. Time will tell if their influence will prevail within the GOP. The second development is extremely troubling. Within churches of Christ, the number of those accepting homosexuality as a viable lifestyle is growing. Some are wanting to push colleges and universities affiliated with us to become "tolerant" and accepting of homosexuality. Folks, the Bible has not changed about this. Romans 1 is clear. Homosexuality is sinful. I have a lot more to say about a lot of things, but for now I will sign off. Oh, one more thing: my wife Brenda told me today that I am "A-D-D." I don't know where she gets that. Hey, look at that spider!