Saturday, October 30, 2010

"He, Being Dead, Yet Speaketh"

A few days ago, brother Jerry Jenkins went home to be with the Lord. His two sons, Jeff and Dale, preached his funeral and did a tremendous job. Being a preacher's son, I felt especially close to them as they progressed through the service. Their stories about their experiences with their Dad rang clear and true with me. I have had similar experiences, and found myself nodding, smiling, and even laughing.

What really struck me, though, is the extraordinary impact this one man has had and is still having on so many lives in so many ways. He preached for one congregation--Woodlawn/Roebuck Parkway--for 44 years. During that time he also preached on the longest running religious television broadcast in Birmingham, Alabama--The Living Word. He was heavily involved in Freed-Hardeman University, Jefferson Christian Academy, Rainbow Omega, and Maywood Christian Camp. He was involved in countless thousands of Bible studies locally, and did regular mission work in the country of Belize. He was a mentor to numerous Gospel preachers, and baptized countless thousands of souls.

As I stood and listened to the words that Jeff and Dale spoke in memory of their father, I could not help but think about my life in comparison. What have I done with the short time I have been given? James wrote, "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away" (James 4:14).

The Gospel is indeed for all people. Jerry Jenkins understood that; his brother, Dan, who led the singing at the service so beautifully, also possesses that same sense of urgency. Both Jeff and Dale have taken the lessons taught by Jerry to heart, and are very successful for the Lord's kingdom where they preach (Jeff in Texas, Dale in Tennessee).

As the service ended, I was filled with a renewed sense of zeal and enthusiasm to do the Lord's work. Jerry Jenkins was just one man. But, what a man he was! As you read these words, you may think you are just one person. However, God has given you abilities He has given no one else. How are you using those abilities? Let us resolve right here--right now--to dedicate the rest of our lives to the Lord's kingdom!